Goal setting

Care & Share is committed to providing innovative ways to work with older people to ideally maximise their independence and support their ability to remain living in their own home and actively participating in the community.

Wellness is a premise that older people have the desire to improve their life circumstances despite increasing age, frailty or onset of chronic conditions. It is our firm belief that older people have the capacity to make positive changes to their physical, social and mental well-being. By recognising the potential and abilities of older people, initiatives can be put in place to minimise loss and regain abilities regardless of their level of frailty.

A wellness approach enables older people to develop or continue to pursue existing life goals, gain a sense of self achievement and feel as though they can make a valuable contribution to their community.

Learning new skills

Learning New Skills and Abilities

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The Care & Share program strives to improve the health and well being of people over the age of 65 who live in the South/East Metropolitan area.

Special Offer


We invite you to visit, enjoy a meal and activities with us and see for yourself how enjoyable a day at Care & Share can be. Bring a friend and join in the fun.  

Call Janine to arrange your FREE trial today on (08) 8276 1144 – or click the button below.